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Older Adults Blog


Dear Reader:


My name is Morley Glicken and I’m the

author of this book on older adults. I am

an older adult (69 when this book was

published) and the reason I wrote the book

is that much of what I’ve read about aging,

work, retirement, and life after 65 seems

inaccurate in describing me and many of

the older adults around me. We seem like

a healthy and engaged lot, many of us

working, playing tennis, and hiking well into

our 80’s and 90’s.


And yet, many older adults don’t share these

experiences. They come from employment and life situations that have taken a

toll on their minds and bodies. This book is written for them, but it is also written

for the “healthy” older adults who experience depression, anxiety, prolonged

bereavement, and every emotional problem that younger clients experience

because emotional problems are part of the human condition at any age.


I wrote the book for professionals in the human services and mental health fields

but non-professionals will find the book helpful and easy to read. I urge those of

you who are experiencing emotional difficulties as well as family members

whose loved ones are depressed, anxious or are showing signs of emotional

problems or cognitive deterioration to also read the book.


This is my 3rd book on Evidence Based Practice and my 12th book in 6 years.

I trust that this track record and the fact that I continue to teach and consult

are strong arguments against the notion that everyone experiences diminished

abilities as they age.


People who have worked hard all of their life, raised families and given their all

to their country and communities deserve the best social and mental health se

rvices available. One answer to the increasing number of older adults who may

not be aging well is to provide a competency-based service that focuses on

what works best. By using best evidence from the rapidly increasing knowledge-

base in health, psychology, social work, psychotherapy and gerontology, human

service professionals can provide a research-oriented service whose objective is

to keep aging clients engaged, independent, and healthy---even those clients

who are not aging well because of poverty, poor nutrition, substandard housing,

limited educational opportunities, lack of financial planning, elder abuse, or

catastrophic losses that have reduced life chances and limited access to an

"aging well lifestyle".


Each chapter in the book includes case studies as well as personal stories from

a variety of people about successful aging. I think you will find this feature of the

book very helpful in understanding the most effective helping approaches with

older adults.


Above all, the purpose of this book is to remember the many older adults among

us who suffer in silence and isolation and grow old without the comfort of a loving

family or a caring community. Their anguish should motivate us to open our

hearts and minds to new ideas, to new treatment approaches and, in Bertrand

Russell’s words, to have “unbearable sympathy for the suffering of others.”


I’ve been a social work practitioner, educator, dean and director of schools of

social work, and with this book on children, I will have published 12 professional

books. I’ve also been executive director of a large family service agency in

Arizona, a school social worker, and a clinical practitioner in private practice.

I currently teach graduate social work at Arizona State University and provide

consultation, training, and research through the Institute for Personal Growth

in Prescott, Arizona, a town in the Arizona Mountains near Sedona where I

also live and work.


As I write this I’m at my desk with the windows open. One never knows who will

come by to visit. Yesterday a large male deer came by, stood for 5 minutes

looking at me through the window, and then ate all of our bird seed and a few of

our roses. Today, an eagle came by to have a drink at our pond.  I usually write

early in the morning when the raccoons and rabbits come out.


Thanks very much for considering my book on aging and my other books which

can be found on my website at: www.morleyglicken.com and on my

Amazon.com website at: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B002M3KCYM. Please

feel free to write me and share your thoughts on the subject of older adults

at: mglicken@msn.com.


Best wishes,


Dr. Morley D. Glicken

Prescott, Arizona














                                                                     Dr. Morley D. Glicken & The Institute for Personal Growth 

                                                                     PO Box 40188  |  Tucson, AZ  85717

                                                                     Phone  520-288-0335  |  mglicken@msn.com